Practice speaking French, whether or not you're in France

Once you’ve memorized your vocab lists and can recite verb tables in your sleep, what then? It’s time to put your French skills to work by actually speaking. Here are some ideas and resources to help you find French speakers, wherever you might live.

Practice speaking French, whether or not you’re in France »

Author info

Laura K Lawless

Laura is a French expert and Kwiziq's Head of Quality Control. Online educator since '99, Laura is passionate about language, travel, and cooking. She's American by birth and a permanent ex-pat by choice - freelancing made it possible for her to travel extensively and live in several countries before settling permanently in Guadeloupe. Laura is the author of Lawless French, Lawless Spanish, and other websites and books on French, Spanish, Italian, English, and vegetarianism. She spends most of her spare time reading, playing with food, and enjoying water sports.

Comments: 5

Thank you very much. I find learning French very difficult. This website is very helpful. The explanations are very good and the tests really are a good way to learn. Keep up the good work.

I went to a French meet up but found it intimidating because I couldn't get the words out. I am a beginner. I am not sure if I should go again.

Bonjour Maree,

You definitely should! Just try to relax and remember that everyone else is learning too. No one is going to judge you if you make mistakes, the most important thing is just to try. Bon courage !

I like your site so much, as we can find everythings about French. Thank you for your contribution. bonne continuation.

Bonjour, Laura,
Je trouve que vous avez raison, car si on veut pratiquer ou améliorer le français parlant, il faut essayer d'aller joindre des associations ou d'avoir des amis français pour qu'on puisse le pratiquer en parler. donc j'ai joint une association dans mon quartier, j'y fais le benevolat. et en même temps je le profite de parler avecles gens qui sont français et travaillent là-bas.
Merci, Laura, de votre conseil et passez un bon début de semaine.