Bonjour tout le monde !
Welcome to our Daily Dose of Positivity!
Today, let's talk about confinement makeovers :)
- Let's start with a fun French expression:
- se faire relooker / faire un relooking
(to get a makeover)
Je vais me faire relooker ce weekend : j'ai trop hâte ! I'm going to get a makeover this weekend: I can't wait!
- Even Barbie has gotten a lockdown makeover! Discover Tonya Ruiz's hilarious creations in the following French article:
And as a bonus, a sentence from this article linked to our related French lessons:
Ainsi, la «maman qui fait l'école à la maison» est entourée de livres d'écoles, de beurre de cacahuètes et de quatre enfants... dont l'un littéralement accroché à sa jambe.
Thus, the «homeschool mom» is surrounded by school books, peanut butter and four children... one of whom (is) literally clinging to her leg.
Learning Tip
Puzzled by how the Kwiziq French scoring system works? Wonder why you sometimes get a negative score? Kwizbot measures your level of confidence instead of giving you an actual score for the test.
Pro Tips:
- Negative scores subtract from positive ones so skip a question rather than guess and get it wrong.
- Make sure you understand how the algorithm works.
- Remember the system recognises how much help you’ve had so you’ll get a higher score for the harder (freeform) questions than for a multiple choice option.
Have you got a tip to share?
Ce n'est qu'un au revoir !
Summer is just round the corner and lockdowns are easing around the world, so it's almost time to say farewell to the Daily Dose of Positivity. We are still here for you, but we'll be more focused on the amazing Progress with Lawless French content you enjoy!
We'll be continuing until Friday 19th June, with more tips to keep you busy with all the Progress with Lawless French features and tools. We know from your great and inspiring feedback that you've enjoyed these daily doses of sunshine, and we'd love to hear if there was anything in particular that you really enjoyed or looked forward to; please let us know in the comment area below!
Merci d'avance et à très vite !
Have a gorgeous Tuesday!
Prenez soin de vous et à demain !