French language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,654 questions • 29,218 answers • 828,749 learners
This explanation doesn't explain why sometimes one says 'L'hiver' and at other times, 'En hiver', and similar for other seasons. The examples given do not enlighten me much. I have always had trouble with this. At first I thought, oh, you use 'l'hiver' when you are going to say something describing a feature of 'hiver', and 'En hiver' when you want to say something happened during 'hiver', but then the other examples given in context of other seasons etc mostly described activities occurring during the season regardless of the 'en' or 'l'' beginning.
I need it stated explicitly what the rule is, there doesn't appear to be one.
J’ai besoin d’écouter la phrase au moins deux ou trois fois, mais le buton ne fonctionne après s je me sens frustré , eulement un ou deux fois . Je me sens frustré
How to make sure your translations are correct in English to French
Cette chanson me rappelle le film 'Etre et avoir'. Bien pour la rentree aussi. Merci!
Some of the lines are still being skipped.
What is the meaning of half-sister and half-brother in English ?
Thanks and regards
I'm a bit cross that that wasn't in the vocabulary to look up at the beginning. Absolutely no way that an English speaker is going to realise that that is the french term for a conversion! The result was, that I was trying to find some meaning concerning his transforming the game, and completely missed the word "essai"......
À part ça, c'était une super dictée ! :)
Would you kindly explain the "en ferait rougir plus d'un"? I am not sure what the speaker is saying about Damien. Is she implying that Damien has a way on making someone blush (with embarrassment perhaps)?
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