Features for Teachers
More time to focus on what you do best

Our Studygroups let you manage groups of students, whether they're in the same physical class or they’re independent students.
With the full AI support of Kwizbot, you can see in one place how your students are progressing.
You’ll not only get visibility of how the whole group is doing but also receive detailed reporting at an individual student level.
This makes lesson planning easier as you can focus on the topics you know they need most help with. What’s more, Kwizbot does all the marking so you can spend time reviewing the results.
Studygroups are perfect for schools, teachers and tutors, but you don't have to be a teacher to coordinate one. They're great for social study too so why not get a group of friends together and motivate each other as you all learn a language?
Ask to become a Studygroup Coordinator here →
Group Brainmaps
Within a Studygroup, you can view an individual Brainmap to see each student’s strengths and weaknesses.
Or you can take a look at a Group Brainmap to see an average of how the whole class is performing.
These interactive progress charts help you create lesson plans and set homework according to what your students need most help with.
The colour coded areas let you see at a glance which topics and grammar points need extra study.
Become a Studygroup Coordinator and try out Brainmaps with your group →
Shared Notebooks
You can use Progress with Lawless French’s Notebook facility to set homework for each class by topic, date, lesson or any theme you choose. This can be shared with individual students or across the whole group.
Students can bookmark or favorite the Notebook in their browser, take a test on those particular topics and add the lesson to their individual Notebook.
Teachers tell us they find it a really streamlined way of keeping track of all the assignments set.
Become a Studygroup Coordinator and make use of our Shared Notebooks →
Attendance Sheets
Let us keep track of the admin so you can spend more time teaching.
Our system will automatically generate timesheets so you have proof of how much time your students have spent learning.
Depending on what country you’re in, these can be useful to help you to get access to professional training budgets for e-learning.
Become a Studygroup Coordinator and let us take care of the admin →
I'm not even sure how I came across your site but after an hour on it it dawned on me that this was what I'd been searching for for a long while. I've tried other sites but your site is pretty much bang on. I just wish I'd found it earlier. The ability to self-test and then have explanations as to why you're wrong is essential, not only as a yardstick as to how you're doing but if you're doing it right the kudos and confidence that follows because you now 'get it'. Nice one!
- Stuart