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collection of lessons for Demonstrative Pronouns
Level | Kwiziq score | Lesson | Lesson Award | |
C1 : Advanced | Ceci/Cela = this/that (French Demonstrative Pronouns) | |||
A1 : Beginner | Ça = that/this/it (French Demonstrative Pronouns) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | Celui/celle/ceux/celles = the one(s) (French Demonstrative Pronouns) | |||
A1 : Beginner | C'est, ce sont = this is, these are (French Demonstrative Pronouns) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | Ce qui (vs ce que) = what/which (French Relative Pronouns) | |||
B1 : Intermediate | Ce que (vs ce qui) = what/which (French Relative Pronouns) |