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Swimming-pool vocabulary in French

A useful French list of swimming pool-related vocabulary

French vocabulary

la piscine the swimming pool
nager to swim
le maillot de bain the swimsuit
un maillot une pièce one-piece swimsuit
un slip de bain a Speedo
le maillot de bain the swimming trunks
un maillot deux pièces two-piece swimsuit
le bikini the bikini
le maître nageur lifeguard (m)
la maître nageuse lifeguard (f)
un bonnet de bain a swimming cap
les brassards arm bands
une bouée a rubber ring
les palmes flippers
le petit bassin the children's pool
les lunettes de natation swimming goggles
un pince-nez a nose-clip
faire de l'apnée to hold one's breath under water
le grand bassin the big pool
plonger to dive
un plongeoir a diving board
la serviette the towel
s'essuyer to dry oneself
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