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Toussaint Louverture

"Toussaint Louverture"
French B2 writing exercise

Find out why this historical figure is important in Haiti.

Use Le Passé Composé when appropriate in this text.

Pay attention to the hints!

Some vocabulary you may want to look up before or during this exercise: "a key figure", "Haitian", "to lead to [something] / to lead [people]", "a colony", "a sugar plantation", "a slave", "to emancipate (a slave)", "a revolt", "to spread through [a place]", "a leader", "rebel forces", "in turn", "to squash (a revolt)", "to capture", "jail", "by order of [someone]", "a tireless fight".

I’ll give you some sentences to translate into French

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How the test works

Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above:

Toussaint Louverture is a key figure in the Haitian Revolution which led to the independence of this French colony in 1804. Toussaint was born in 1743 in Saint-Domingue in a sugar plantation. He lived and worked there as a slave until his master emancipated him in 1776. In 1791, when a slave revolt suddenly spread through the island, Toussaint became the leader of the Haitian Revolution. He led the rebel forces against the French, Spanish and British armies who tried in turn to squash the revolt. Unfortunately, in 1802, the French army captured Toussaint Louverture and they sent him to jail in France by order of Napoléon I, where he died a year later. Haitians still celebrate this national hero for his tireless fight against oppression.

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