No Christmas spirit for me!

"Pas d'esprit de Noël pour moi !"
French B1 writing exercise

Bernard really can't stand "the season of cheers"!

Pay attention to the hints!

Some vocabulary you may want to look up before or during this exercise: "nowhere to hide", "to be surrounded by", "loud (people)", "cheerful (people)", "aggressively", "bright lights", "to feel like [one has to...]", "to run (nose)", "non-stop", "to be overwhelmed by (tasks)", "skint [US: broke]", "because of [things]", "festive celebrations", "earlier and earlier", "to be locked up at home".

I’ll give you some sentences to translate into French

  • I’ll show you where you make mistakes
  • I’ll keep track of what you need to practise
  • Change my choices if you want
Start the exercise
How the test works

Here's a preview of the text for the writing challenge, when you're ready click the start button above:

Every year, when December arrives, there is nowhere to hide! I'm surrounded by loud cheerful people, and (by) aggressively bright lights everywhere. I feel like I have to be happy, even if my nose is running non-stop, (that) I'm overwhelmed by all the things that I have to organise, and I'm skint [US: broke] because of all the gifts that I must buy. And as if that wasn't enough, the festive celebrations start earlier and earlier every year. This year, I heard Mariah Carey at the supermarket on November 1st... That's decided, this year, I'll stay shut in at home!

Clever stuff happening!