There are a number of questions/comments here on the use of "ça" for 'it' (going to the pool every week) in this exercise. Why is < Elle adorait (ou aimait beaucoup) ça ! > correct, and why is < Elle l'adorait > not accepted?
Thought it might be helpful to clarify further, supplementing the other discussions below.
According to the linked lesson le/l' can only replace previously mentioned ideas etc 'introduced' under 1 of 2 conditions : either preceded by < que >, or with a verb infinitive. Because neither of these conditions is met in the sentence in this exercise, < le or l' > cannot be used in this context.
From this, the use of ça instead of le/l' is not related to 'aimer' or other verbs as some of the discussion suggests, but to the lack of the "preconditions" - < Il vas détester le repas ce soir ?/ Non, il vas bien l'aimer ! >
Using neuter pronouns le or l' to refer to previously mentioned ideas (French Direct Object Pronouns)%252Fsearch%253Fs%253Dle%252Bidea
Hope this helps others who come here with this question too.