Questions and Answers4307
- however for a question like : est ce que quelqu'un leur a raconté? how would we answer it in negatif - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- I ham confused on how to use qui and que since both of them can mean who, that etc - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Adjectif+ noun and des - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Why is elle met les tasses là not accepted for she put the cups there? - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- She's a good dancer - c'est? - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Can anyone explain the difference between continuer à and continuer de? thank you - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Audrey adore le mercredi/les mercredis - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Bonjour Aurélie - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- what is the difference between de plus and en plus - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Why is the correct form of ''You and your friends play football.'' "Toi et tes amis jouent au foot."? - 16 July, 2018 - Answer Answered