French news programs
- Le Bar de l'Europe - Informal discussions about European news
- Demain à la une - Discussions about what will be in the news in the coming week
- Élément terre - Discussions with environmental activists
- L'Europe dans tous ses états - Info about EU members, in cooperation with the European Parliament
- Le Grand Journal - News and talk show that airs every weeknight
- Le gros mot de l'éco - Brief exposés of economics terms
- Les Guignols de l'info - Satirical puppet news show
- Le journal de l'Afrique - Daily news about Africa
- Journal en français facile - 10 minutes of news a day
- Tech 24 - What's new in technology?
- Télématin - Early morning news and culture
Culture and travel
- À l'affiche - Artists discuss how they see the world
- d'Art d'Art - Short programs about individual works of art
- L'Atelier déco - DIY redecorating
- Comment ça va bien - Beauty, fashion, trends, and leisure
- Des racines et des ailes - Documentary series about European culture and history
- Destination francophonie - News about French speakers' lives around the world
- Épicerie fine - Insight into gastronomic French delights
- Faut pas rêver - In-depth reports about unique places in the world
- Merci professeur - News and analysis of the French language
- Le Paris des Arts - Walking and talking about Paris
- Vous êtes ici - Discover French food and drink
Game shows
- Burger Quiz - Humorous game show set in a burger restaurant
- Des chiffres et des lettres - One of the longest running game shows in the world
- Harry - Contestants rearrange mixed-up syllables to make sentences
- In ze boîte - Two teams with 1 adult and 2 children each face off
- N'oubliez pas les paroles - Remembering lyrics for money
- Tout le monde veut prendre sa place - Six contestants answer questions about general knowledge
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