Friday B1 Writing Challenge - Week 63

List of lessons related to the Writing Challenge Level B1, Week 63, first published on the 30/06/17

Level AchievementScore Lesson Feedback  
A1 : Beginner   Du/de la/de l'/des all become de/d' in negative sentences (French Partitive Articles)
A1 : Beginner   Adjectives ending in -eux become -euse in the feminine in French
A0 : Entry Level   Adjectives usually go AFTER nouns in French (Position of Adjectives)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Ce/cet/cette and ces = this/that and these/those (French Demonstrative Adjectives)
A1 : Beginner   Dans/sur/sous/devant/derrière/entre = in/on top of/under/in front of/behind/between (French Prepositions of Location)
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate faire in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate venir/tenir and derivatives in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate semi-regular -oyer/-ayer/-uyer verbs in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate regular -er verbs (+ avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate faire (+ avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate coming and going verbs (+ être) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Agreeing past participle with subject's gender and number with (+ être) verbs in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A1 : Beginner   Conjugate verbs in the near future in French using aller + infinitive (Le Futur Proche)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Inverted questions in the compound past (Le Passé Composé) in French - with subject pronouns
A1 : Beginner   Asking questions in French with "qui/que/quoi/quand/où/comment/pourquoi/combien" (French Question Words)
B1 : Intermediate   Ne ... pas = Not - with reflexive verbs in compound tenses (French Negations)
A1 : Beginner   Ne ... jamais = Never (French Negations)
A1 : Beginner   Me/te/nous/vous = Me/you/us/you (French Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Y = There (French Adverbial Pronouns)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Me becomes moi in affirmative commands in the imperative mood (L'Impératif) in French
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Tout/tous/toute/toutes = Everything/all (of them)/whole/completely in French
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Connaître vs savoir = to know something vs to know how to do in French
A0 : Entry Level   Position of French Adjectives - Short and common adjectives that go BEFORE nouns
A1 : Beginner   En vs Dans with locations (French Prepositions of Location)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate reflexive verbs (+être) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A1 : Beginner   Notre/nos/votre/vos/leur/leurs = our/your/their (French Possessive Adjectives)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate savoir in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate ouvrir/découvrir and derivatives (+ avoir) in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
A0 : Entry Level   Adjectives of nationalities vary depending on gender in French (French Adjectives)
A0 : Entry Level   Je viens de + [ville] = I'm from + [city] in French
B1 : Intermediate   Ce que (vs ce qui) = what/which (French Relative Pronouns)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate regular verbs in the imperative mood in French (L'Impératif)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Common mistakes with mon/ma/mes, ton/ta/tes and son/sa/ses (French Possessive Adjectives)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Expressing opinions and describing with the imperfect tense in French (L'Imparfait)
B1 : Intermediate   Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)
B2 : Upper Intermediate   Position of Double Pronouns in French - Direct Object Pronoun + "y"
A1 : Beginner   "C'est" vs "Il/Elle est" to say it is/she is/he is in French
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Prochain/Dernier = Next/Last + [durations] in French
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate voir and derivatives in the present tense in French (Le Présent)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Plus que/Moins que/Autant que = More than/Less than/As much as (Comparisons with Verbs in French)
A2 : Lower Intermediate   Conjugate être in the imperfect tense in French (L'Imparfait)