Using le, la, les with titles, languages and academic subjects (definite articles)

In French, the definite articles are used with titles, languages & academic subjects.

Learn how to use the definite articles in French with titles, languages & academic subjects

Look at these examples:

La science est...Science is...

Le français est.. French is...

Le président Mitterrand est...President Mitterrand is...

Nous étudions la géographie.We study geography.

Unlike in English, definite articles (le,la,l',les) are used with titles, languages & academic subjects in French.


Only in the phrase "parler + [language]" can you use both forms, with or without le.

Il parle portugais.  /  Il parle le portugais.He speaks Portuguese.

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Examples and resources

Le président Mitterrand est...President Mitterrand is...
Le français est.. French is...
La science est...Science is...
J'adore le français.I love French.
Nous étudions la géographie.We study geography.
Il parle portugais.  /  Il parle le portugais.He speaks Portuguese.
Using le, la, les with titles, languages and academic subjects (definite articles)
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«L'histoire est sa matière préférée.» means