Bonjour Madame Cécile,
I am facing a difficulty in understanding a sentence which reads-
"Le déguisement qui vous va le mieux est celui de Catwoman."
Now, in this sentence the relative pronoun 'qui' has been used because it establishes a link between the noun (déguisement) and the verb (aller) . The problem I am facing is with "vous" but I think it is actually an object pronoun and not a subject pronoun as the verb "va" agrees with "le déguisement" and not "vous".
The two sentences would be - Le déguisement va le mieux à vous. Il est celui de Catwoman.
Hence "qui" is used.
But if the sentence had been as- " La robe que vous avez achetée est très excellente."
Here "que" is used because it is the object of the verb 'acheter'. It's not the robe which has bought but it's what the pronoun 'vous' has bought.
The two sentences could be as- Vous avez acheté une robe . La robe est très excellente.
Madame , Please verify if I am correct or is there some flaw ?
Merci d'avance.