how does "de" mean "at"?

R. E.B1Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor

how does "de" mean "at"?

Why does the de in Je regarde de belles collines mean at?
Asked 6 years ago
Chris W.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor

Regarder means "to look at".

Je regarde la maison. -- I look at the house.
Je regarde de belles collines. -- I look at beautiful hills.

It isn't "de" that means "at". The "at" is part of the verb "regarder".

Chris W.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor

But, strictly speaking, the sentence:

Je regarde des collines is ambiguous. It can mean "I look at hills" as well as "I look from hills".

R. E. asked:

how does "de" mean "at"?

Why does the de in Je regarde de belles collines mean at?

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