Ce magasin est fermé ________ deux heures et demie.This shop is closed from two o'clock to two thirty.(HINT: deux heures = two o'clock)
My answer was, "de deux heures a..." which was marked correct. (Sorry can't do the accents here.)
My question:Shouldn't this have read, "Ce magasin est fermé de quatorze heures a quatorze heures trente." ?
Or: "Ce magasin est fermé de deux heures a deux heures et demie de l'apres-midi."?
These formats would have distinguished the time as being in the afternoon, not the early morning hours. Is the reason that they were not used because one can assume that a shop would be open during the daytime, not the wee hours of the morning? And, if that is true, is it common not to be specific unless absolutely necessary?
Merci pour votre reponse.