The cases of "parvenir" and "convenir"

emre can c.A2Kwiziq community member

The cases of "parvenir" and "convenir"

What is the conjugation of two derivatives of "venir", "parvenir" and "convenir" in Le Passé Composé?

Asked 3 years ago
CélineKwiziq Native French TeacherCorrect answer

Bonjour Emre can,

Here is the link to know how to conjugate 'venir' AND its derivatives like 'parvenir' and 'convenir' (they follow the same pattern).

To supplement: conjugation tables - Kwiziq

I hope this is helpful.

Bonne journée !

CélineKwiziq Native French TeacherCorrect answer

Bonjour Aashpreet,

This is an excellent question! 

It all comes down to the verb: is it transitive or intransitive?

transitive verb is a verb which requires one or more objects -> use avoir in Le Passé Composé

Ils ont convenu d'un rendez-vous They agreed to a meeting

Mes parents ont subvenu à mes besoins = My parents provided for me.


An intransitive verb is a verb which does not require an object (including "venir")-> use être in Le Passé Composé

Les problèmes sont survenus soudainement = The problems happened suddenly

Marie est venue hier = Marie came yesterday


Attention : some verbs can be both - and, therefore, can use être or avoir.

Je suis parvenu(e) à la joindre = I managed to get hold of her

Il a parvenu à chanter = He managed to sing


Follow the links below for further explanation: 


Variable Auxiliary Verbs

I hope this is helpful.

Bonne journée !

Jim J.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor

Hi Emre can,

Try using this conjugator:-


Maarten K.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor

There are several excellent free online conjugation sites. Berscherelle is another comprehensive and classic site, covering both “standard” and rectified spelling, and includes pronominal verbs as separated listings. 

Use it very regularly. I have it open whenever doing any French.

Aashpreet K.A1Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor

"Parvenir" goes with être and "Convenir" goes with avoir (unlike venir)?? Same goes with "Survenir" (goes with être) and "Subvenir" (goes with avoir). Where can I find all such cases of Venir??? 

The conjugation tables you have shared above does not have these verbs.

emre can c. asked:

The cases of "parvenir" and "convenir"

What is the conjugation of two derivatives of "venir", "parvenir" and "convenir" in Le Passé Composé?

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