traîneau vs luge

G. D.C1Kwiziq community member

traîneau vs luge

Is there any difference between traîneau and luge?

Asked 2 years ago
CélineKwiziq Native French TeacherCorrect answer

Bonjour Gee,

Yes, there is a difference.Take a look here:

Bonne journée !

Maarten K.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor

It mostly seems that 'luge' is considered a small type of "traineau". Both Larousse and Robert indicate that in their definitions as well.

Quote from Larousse sums this up : 


nom féminin

(mot savoyard, du bas latin sludia)

1. Petit traîneau utilisé pour glisser sur la neige : Les enfants font de la luge sur la pente.2. Sport pratiqué avec ce traîneau. (Les épreuves de luge sont inscrites aux jeux Olympiques depuis 1964.)
Maarten K.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor

To discuss the difference in meaning between 2 words, you need the definitions of both words.

A luge is a ‘petit’ traîneau. Not all traîneaux are luges. 

A sled-like snow vehicle is also a traîneau, and is referred to as ‘un traîneau’ in French, but it is not the only traîneau.

3 significant French monolingual dictionaries - Robert, Larousse and Académie-Française confirm this (review both words for completeness). TV5, amongst many others, agrees :

A simple internet search will confirm the description of a luge also belonging to the ‘family’ of traîneaux - Amazon France being just one of many examplesîneaux-50-à-100-EUR/s? 

Wordreference also defines a luge as a (petit) traîneau.

Wordreference is a good word to word, and fixed expression translator - in many ways it is more like a bilingual thesaurus than a reference dictionary though. 

For comprehensive definitions of words that include the nuance and detail, a good monolingual reference dictionary is superior. Luckily, we are studying language in an era when there are numerous comprehensive, reputable (French) dictionaries accessible on line. 

G. D. asked:

traîneau vs luge

Is there any difference between traîneau and luge?

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