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Pronom démonstratif

French demonstrative pronoun

See also: Pronom and Pronoun Types

Demonstrative pronouns indicate which person/people or thing(s) (out of a set or list of possible people or things) we are specifically talking about.

French Demonstrative Pronouns

    Simple Compound
      Near Not Near
Singular celui
the one, this/that one
this one, this one here, the latter
that one, that one (over) there, the former
Plural ceux
the ones, these/those
these, these here, the latter
those, those (over) there, the former
Singular celle
the one, this/that one
this one, this one here, the latter
that one, that one (over) there, the former
Plural celles
the ones, these/those
these, these here, the latter
those, those (over) there, the former
Neuter ce (c')
this, that, it
ceci, cela, ça
this, that

For example:

  • Il y a deux portraits. Celui à droite est plus grand.
    There are two portraits. The one on the right is bigger.

  • On peut voir deux tables. Celle-là est plus belle. Celle-ci est trop petite.
    We can see two tables. That one over there is nicer. This one here is smaller.

  • Ceux qui m'écoutent recevront un prix.
    Those who are listening to me will receive a prize.

  • Ce sera prévu.
    It/That will be taken care of.

  • Cela/Ça ne m'intéresse pas.
    That/This/It doesn't interest me.
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