En/l'/au with seasons (French Articles and Prepositions)

In French, you will have different ways to say that something takes place in one of the four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn).

How to express the seasons in French

Look at the examples using the four seasons: 

En hiver, je vais skier.In winter, I go skiing.

L'hiver, il fait très froid.In winter, it's very cold.

En été, je mange beaucoup de glaces !In summer, I eat a lot of ice cream!

L'été, on bronze sur la plage.In summer, we tan on the beach.

En automne, les feuilles tombent des arbres.In autumn, leaves fall from the trees.

L'automne, on retourne à l'école.In autumn, we go back to school.

To say in + [winter, summer, autumn], you will use interchangeably: 

en + [hiver, été, automne]
l' + [hiver, été, automne] 

You will do the liaison between en and the vowel (été, automne) or mute h (hiver).


Au printemps, on se sent heureux.In spring, we feel happy.

To say in spring in French, you will only use :

au printemps


Note that all seasons are masculine in French.

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Examples and resources

L'automne, on retourne à l'école.In autumn, we go back to school.
En automne, les feuilles tombent des arbres.In autumn, leaves fall from the trees.
L'été, on bronze sur la plage.In summer, we tan on the beach.
Au printemps, on se sent heureux.In spring, we feel happy.
L'hiver, il fait très froid.In winter, it's very cold.
Vive le temps, vive le temps,
Vive le temps d'hiver,
Long live the weather, long live the weather,
Long live the winter weather,
En été, je mange beaucoup de glaces !In summer, I eat a lot of ice cream!
En hiver, je vais skier.In winter, I go skiing.
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