Ça = that/this/it (French Demonstrative Pronouns)

In French, you will encounter the demonstrative pronoun "ça" a lot. It is used to mean it, this or that.

Learn how to use the pronoun "ça" in French

Look at these sentences using ça:

Oh ! J'ai regardé ça aussi hier.Oh! I watched that too yesterday.

La grammaire française ? Je trouve ça trop difficile !French grammar? I find that too hard!

Ça me dérange quand on fume à côté de moi.It bothers me when people smoke next to me.

The pronoun ça is a contraction of cela, but it is used much more frequently, particularly in speech or informal writing.

Depending on the context, ça can mean it, this or that.

When referring to something in general, even if the thing is plural, ça is used and followed by the singular form:

Les lasagnes ? J'adore ça !Lasagna? I love it!

Les probabilités, ça m'énerve !Probabilities get on my nerves!

See also the more advanced "C'est" vs "Il/Elle est" to say it is/she is/he is in French

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Examples and resources

Ça me dérange quand on fume à côté de moi.It bothers me when people smoke next to me.
Les probabilités, ça m'énerve !Probabilities get on my nerves!
La grammaire française ? Je trouve ça trop difficile !French grammar? I find that too hard!
Oh ! J'ai regardé ça aussi hier.Oh! I watched that too yesterday.
Les lasagnes ? J'adore ça !Lasagna? I love it!
Ça = that/this/it (French Demonstrative Pronouns)
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