Position of Double Pronouns in French - Indirect Object Pronoun + "en"

In French, some sentences can contain two object pronouns:
- an indirect object pronoun [See Me/te/nous/vous = Me/you/us/you (French Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns) and Using lui/leur = him or her/them (French Indirect Object Pronouns)]
- the adverbial pronoun "en"  [See also En can replace de + [phrase] (French Adverbial Pronouns) and En with quantities = Of them (French Adverbial Pronouns)]

Position of double pronouns with the pronoun "en" in French

Have a look at these examples:

Pierre m'en a offert.Pierre offered me some of them.

Nous t'en avons vendu.We sold you some.

Il lui en a donné dix.He gave him/her ten (of them).

Elle nous en a montré trois.She showed us three (of them).

Ils vous en ont parlé.They told you about it.

Elle leur en a parlé.She told them about it.

There are two important patterns to notice in these sentences that are different to English. 

1) the two pronouns both go before the verb:
Je donne du pain à Maurice -> Je lui en donne.
I'm giving Maurice some bread. -> I'm giving him some.
2) The order is ALWAYS:
    me/te/lui/nous/vous/leur  (before)  en

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Ils vous en ont parlé.They told you about it.
Nous t'en avons vendu.We sold you some.
Il lui en a donné dix.He gave him/her ten (of them).
Elle nous en a montré trois.She showed us three (of them).
Pierre m'en a offert.Pierre offered me some of them.
Elle leur en a parlé.She told them about it.
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