To conjugate verbs ending in -ayer/-oyer/-uyer in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif), the only exception to the rule of regular -ER verbs is that the y of the infinitive becomes an i in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif).
This rule doesn't apply to envoyer and derivatives (See Conjugate voir/envoyer in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple))
Conjugation of ESSAYER (to try) in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif) in French
j'essaierai |
tu essaieras |
il/elle/on essaiera |
nous essaierons |
vous essaierez |
ils/elles essaieront |
Verbs in -AYER, in spoken French (included written dialogue in a play for example) also accept an alternative version where the y is kept (and also pronounced differently):
You don't pronounce the e after the i.
Here are more examples:
Common -AYER / -OYER / -UYER verbs
essayer (to try)
payer (to pay)
employer (to use/employ)
se noyer (to drown)
nettoyer (to clean)
essuyer (to wipe)
s'ennuyer (to be/get bored)
payer (to pay)
employer (to use/employ)
se noyer (to drown)
nettoyer (to clean)
essuyer (to wipe)
s'ennuyer (to be/get bored)
See also Conjugate regular -er and -ir verbs in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)
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Conjugate semi-regular -oyer/-ayer/-uyer verbs in the future tense in French (Le Futur Simple)