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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,005 questions • 30,300 answers • 875,496 learners
Past of the past - Le Plus-que-parfait
Bonjour Madame Cécile !
J’avais dû en racheter un nouveau après que Patrick avait cassé le mien.
This sentence is an example from a lesson. Here, plus-que-parfait has been used in both the verbs. Though the action of breaking took place first and then came the necessity to buy a new one.
Would you like to explain how these two cases can be both Le plus-que-parfait ? Here, one action precedes the other so can one be in Passé Composé and other in Le Plus-que-Parfait ?
Bonjour Chris
Elles ________ pendant tout le film !" They will have chatted during the whole film!HINT: Conjugate "bavarder" in Le Futur Antérieur
The correct answer was Elles auront bavarde pendant tout le film.
Why does bavarder here not agree in gender and number? Or am I missing something?
Please help, I have struggled with lesson for awhile now.
I had written 'dans lequel', but received a wrong answer.
In reading the lesson, it stated that after a noun 'dans lequel/le' can be used instead of 'où'.
Why is 'où' the only answer here?
thank you. Jennifer
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