French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,011 questions • 30,314 answers • 876,339 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,011 questions • 30,314 answers • 876,339 learners
Why wasn't on se voit used for "see you this week-end ?"
... car le bureau de poste local n'offrait plus ce service.
In this section of the sentence the 'S' at the end of 'pluS' is pronounced. This seems at odds with the lesson 'Ne ... plus = no more/no longer' which states: -
Note that when plus has a negative meaning (no more), you don't pronounce the final 's', except when you do the liaison with a vowel following ('z' sound).
... in the exercise plus is followed by 'ce' and 'ce' does not start with a vowel and as such should not be pronounced?
Can one also say ' je m'en servirai d'une'?
It wasn't offered as an option.
I am confused about when I can use duquel ,delaquelle etc instead of dont
Should “tes chaussettes de sport qui sentent mauvais” be “tes chaussettes de sport qui sentent mauvaises” so that “mauvaises” agrees with “chaussettes”?
Can you also have "Je n'ai pas du tout été surprise"?
I am understanding the usage of the reflexive verbs as well as reciprocal but I had saw something about passive pronominals would that be something for A2 I had seen it somewhere and now I can't seem to find it.
In the example from this lesson, why is “de” used and not “des”?
The conjugation that you provide includes the following line:
il / elle / on est apparu(e)(s)
Under which circumstances would it be valid to have "est apparus" or "est apparues"? Or is the "(s)" redundant?
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