French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,317 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,317 learners
Brief explanation on how to know when w verb is followed by à, de or pour
Qui peut m'aider s'il vous plaît 🙏🙏
Once I’ve used ‘demi ’ when ‘moitié’ was the right answer and once I used ‘moitié’ when ‘demi’ was the right answer. The explanations given for appropriate usage still aren’t doing it for me.
We can't hear "Apportez un pique-nique."
This is a bit subtle, and perhaps it is more advanced than an A1 level test.
I notice in the summary of the text that Président has been capitalised. "Le Président visite un musée"
I believe this is incorrect and that this should not be capitalised in French:
le président français. = the French president.
Le président de la République française = The President of the French Republic.
Although if you were speaking to the President of France in direct address , you would address them as: "Monsieur le Président/Madame la Présidente (de la Republique).
Why does aimer mean love instead of like in this sentence:
Elle aime sa nouvelle veste.She loves her new jacket.Doesn't aimer mean to like when used with things/objects? Somewhat confused.Si seulement c'était si facile de rendormir les enfants :-)
Si seulement nous tous étions aussi sages comme ce papa !
I’m wondering how you express next/the next/last/the last for the four seasons? Was unable to find an example on the site.
How do you know when to use à before an infinitive or de? Quand tu auras fini de ranger ta chambre, you m'aideras à faire la vaiselle.
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