French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,998 questions • 30,290 answers • 874,490 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,998 questions • 30,290 answers • 874,490 learners
Hi, I don't really understand when to use the present tense and when to use the future tense after "prochain". eg L'année prochaine, il commence l'université AND En septembre prochain, Gareth visitera Madrid. In fact I'm a bit vague on Future/Present options in general....A pointer towards a lesson would be appreciated, Thanks.
I came here after missing a question that used "nulle parte" instead of "nulle part". Is there some agreement of "parte" that I'm missing?
In the listening exercises the following is used
"ils prennent leur rôle de grandes-parents très au sérieux". Why "très au sérieux" and not "très sérieux"?
Thank you
Is it correct to say le parapliue est sur la table
Kwiz question " we see her tonight" answer "nous la voyons cet soir". I think it should be "nous lui voyons...if you follow the quick lesson.
Hi Kwiziq, I think there is a bug with one of the questions. The question 'How would you say "This witch smells very bad!" ?' keeps showing that I chose the same wrong answer, even though I am not choosing that response. This has happened like 5 times in a row and has reduced my lesson score!
The response it keeps showing as chosen -> Cette sorcière sent très mauvais.
The one I actually chose -> Cette sorcière sent très mal
Here is a link to the song on YouTube, which works for me
"On est censes marcher". I have never seen a lesson on this usage. Is censer a verb--I can't find it. Is there a lesson on this?
is this normal use in French or is the English translation here slightly incorrect?
Does ‘copine/copain’ suggest a less serious relationship than partenaire and does ‘êtres chers’ work for loved ones? Thanks
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