A couple of things...

James W.C1Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor

A couple of things...

pour que je choisisse quelque chose à lire avec elle - why is the "à" used? I can't find an expression with "choisir à"?


Au cours des années, elle m'a transmis sa passion - why is passé composé used? She clearly says 'over the years' so a repeated action? surely the imparfait would be used here?

Asked 2 years ago
Chris W.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor Correct answer

The construction is: quelque chose à + [infinitive]

CélineKwiziq Native French TeacherCorrect answer

Bonjour James,

- Chris is correct that the preposition "à" is linked to "quelque chose".

- Le Passé Composé with "transmettre" is used as the action happened once in this time frame. 

Au cours des années, elle me transmettait sa passion

 -> she kept on passing on a passion

It isn't the case here as it is a result that happened once through that established time frame. Therefore, it is a single completed action.

I hope this is helpful.

Bonne journée !

James W. asked:

A couple of things...

pour que je choisisse quelque chose à lire avec elle - why is the "à" used? I can't find an expression with "choisir à"?


Au cours des années, elle m'a transmis sa passion - why is passé composé used? She clearly says 'over the years' so a repeated action? surely the imparfait would be used here?

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