Passive simple,when used without auxiliary

John W.B1Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor

Passive simple,when used without auxiliary

I am doing B1 French and reading Camus La Peste( hard going sometimes) On page 173 he says"elles suffirent" which I take to mean they were enough,and I struggled with the conjugation but I found it as passive simple on the Lawless website. I interrogated Gemini AI and it suggested that passive simple is a compound tense requiring auxiliary from etre...despite its name. It also suggested Camus often used passe simple in a stylistic for without the auxiliary. So,is the Lawless conjugation right,and is elles suffirent passe simple, and please,what is going on?

Asked 3 months ago
Maarten K.C1 Kwiziq Q&A super contributor Correct answer


Laura is correct - the passé simple as a ' simple tense/mood ' is by definition ' simple ', not compound. Others include the present tense, imparfait etc 

Only ' compound tenses/moods ' include an auxiliary verb. 

When I asked Google AI ' was passé simple ever a compound tense ', it answered as expected :

" AI Overview

No, the French passé simple was never a compound tense, but it is a literary equivalent of the passé composé, which is a compound tense: "

John W.B1Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor

Many thanks Maarten,that makes a great deal of sense now. 

CécileKwiziq Native French Teacher

Hi John,

Just to add to Maarten's excellent answer you might want to discover what compound tenses are on our lesson -

Temps composé

Please also note that it is 'passé' (past) simple,  as 'passive' means a totally different thing in grammar.

John W.B1Kwiziq Q&A regular contributor

Thanks Cécile. It's a strange thing but in England ,for GCSE (A1/A2) the passé simple is not really used,and I think it's called the passé historique. Pretty well all the time they use imperfect, passé composé or pluperfect and I can recognise these for past actions but I am really surprised that nobody talks about passé simple for past actions which are completed.Very rarely in books have I seen what I now know is the passé simple, so many thanks for your answer.

CécileKwiziq Native French Teacher

Hi John,

You might be interested in reading my answer to a question about the relevance of the past historic tense nowadays -

Bonne Continuation !


John W. asked:

Passive simple,when used without auxiliary

I am doing B1 French and reading Camus La Peste( hard going sometimes) On page 173 he says"elles suffirent" which I take to mean they were enough,and I struggled with the conjugation but I found it as passive simple on the Lawless website. I interrogated Gemini AI and it suggested that passive simple is a compound tense requiring auxiliary from etre...despite its name. It also suggested Camus often used passe simple in a stylistic for without the auxiliary. So,is the Lawless conjugation right,and is elles suffirent passe simple, and please,what is going on?

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