This exercise was a good learning experience.
Would "... dans un tel chic restaurant ?" work as well ?
Also, I wrote: "Il se revele que son pere est le gerant de ce restaurant." rather than, "il s'avere que..."
According to Collins, "ll s'est revele que..." = "It turned out that...";
and, "s'averer" = "to prove to be"
"Ce veloute de champignons semble divin." Is using, "semble" in place of "a l'air" equally acceptable?
New Vocabulary:
How did I not know that "un tourte" is for a vegetable pie, (une tarte for a fruit pie)? But, there it is! And, now I know. Merci !
Couldn't find "pithviers" anywhere so assume it is another word for "un tourtre"
"perdrix" and "perveau" "Un pithiviers de perdreau" sounds like it is right out of a nursery rhyme!
Je vous remercie pour cet exercice, et maintenant j'ai l'eau a la bouche !