The verb connaître, paraître and other verbs in -aître* are irregular in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French.
Have a look!
Conjugation of CONNAÎTRE (to know) in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French
je |
connais |
tu |
connais |
il / elle / on |
connaît |
nous |
connaissons |
vous |
connaissez |
ils / elles |
connaissent |
Conjugation of PARAÎTRE (to seem / to appear) in Le Présent (Indicatif) in French
je |
parais |
tu |
parais |
il / elle / on |
paraît |
nous |
paraissons |
vous |
paraissez |
ils / elles |
paraissent |
Note that since the Spelling Reform of 1990, the following spellings are also considered as correct: il connait / il parait
Here are some examples to listen to:
*These other verbs ending in -aître (-aitre) follow the same conjugation pattern:
naître (to be born)
renaître (to be born again)
disparaître (to disappear)
apparaître (to appear)
méconnaître (to misjudge / to not know well)
comparaître (to appear in court)
Here are more examples:
See also: Connaître vs savoir = to know something vs to know how to do in French
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