Conjugate reflexive verbs in the imperative mood in French (L'Impératif) - negative commands

You've already seen how to make affirmative commands with reflexive verbs in L'Impératif in French. (See Conjugate reflexive verbs in the imperative mood in French (L'Impératif) - affirmative commands)

Learn how to make negative commands with reflexive verbs in L'Impératif Présent in French

Look at these negative commands (negative imperatives) that use reflexive verbs:

Ne t'assieds pas !  Don't sit down!

Ne nous asseyons pas ! Let's not sit down!

Ne vous asseyez pas ! Don't sit down!

When forbidding (negative orders) using reflexive verbs, you keep the regular order of the words in a negative statement and simply drop the subject pronoun tu/vous/nous.
Tu ne t'assieds pas -> (X) Ne t'assieds pas!

Look at these other examples:

Ne t'habille pas!Don't get dressed!

Ne te couche pas !Don't go to bed!

Ne te lève pas !Don't get up!

Remember that for -er verbs, you lose the -s in the tu form.
See Conjugate regular verbs in the imperative mood in French (L'Impératif) 

See also Conjugate reflexive verbs in the imperative mood in French (L'Impératif) - affirmative commands

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Examples and resources

Ne te lève pas !Don't get up!
En avril, ne te découvre pas d'un filTil April's dead, don't remove a thread (of your clothing)
Ne nous asseyons pas ! Let's not sit down!
Ne t'assieds pas !  Don't sit down!
Ne vous asseyez pas ! Don't sit down!
Ne vous habillez pasDon't get dressed!
Ne t'habille pas!Don't get dressed!
Ne vous levez pas!   Don't get up!
Ne te couche pas !Don't go to bed!