Questions and Answers5221
- Why is it" cette avanture but not cet avanture when it starts with a vowel - 30 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Vacuum and kettle ?? - 18 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- I heard about ne guère de monde, what's the distinction there? - 21 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Where's the " being? " Why do they exclude étant in this sentence? - 18 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- In my last post, I was concerned about the use of t’ before a. Should it not be s’? - 17 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- "Is the sentence “l’année où tu as vécu en France t’a beaucoup plu” correct. My question relates to the use of t’a before beaucoup, and in particular - 17 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- I need clarification on this: - 21 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- ''Lucas a monté la nouvelle armoire de sa soeur.'' - 17 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- It actually makes more sense in French. Even I struggle with understanding, " FOR fear that. " - 17 May, 2018 - Answer Answered
- Vous me ré pelez de sortir la poubelle is in the present. In English remind is only used in the past or future. For example remind me to take out the - 16 May, 2018 - Answer Answered