French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,908 questions • 29,984 answers • 860,370 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,908 questions • 29,984 answers • 860,370 learners
On the quiz, I missed this question:
Tu aimes le violet ? Oui, ________ est très joli!
I answered with 'il', because it fits the criteria that we are not talking about something general, but something specifically referred to previously: the color violet. The answer was actually "c'".
Can you explain why?
Bonjour tout le monde !Je voudrais savoir: comment on peut exprimer l'intention en français ? J'ai realisé que j'utilise ces expressions d'intent tout les temps en anglais. Par example : "He said he WOULD do it" ou : "I WAS GOING TO come, but..." ou : "It was supposed to be..." etc,J'éspere que vous pouvez comprendre mon français. S'il vous plaît, n'hésitez pas à corriger les erreurs.
This is a number written in French: "78,005". How would it be expressed in English?
In this question, the number is already written as english...and not french. Just thought you should know, because I got the question wrong.
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