French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,012 questions • 30,320 answers • 876,825 learners
Why were my answers marked as wrong? Surely Six millions de dollars & Six milliards de dollars are correct.
Why not faire...
I assume that
Il faut ranger sa chambre
can mean
You must tidy his/her room
as well as
You must tidy your room
Or would you say it a different way?
As a note, this is very poorly written for English speaking people to translate. "Happy as a clam" = "heureux comme un poisson dans l'eau" uh, sure. Why not just write "happy like a fish in water" so we could actually translate it? "Don't be pigheaded" = "ne sois pas têtue comme une mule" again, why not just say "don't be stubborn like a mule". "I could eat a horse" = "j'ai une faim de loup" - why not just say "hungry like a wolf". Made this exercise unnecessarily hard.
At the beginning of the lesson, it is written that "En, au and aux" are used for countries, which I'm fine with, but later on it also says that "En, dans la and dans l' " are also to be used with countries. (Regions, states and countries) My question is, if I wanna say that I'm going to a musculine country and I have both Dans le / Dans l' and Au, which one do I use? I'm so confused!
It seems that requérir can double as meaning both "require" and "request",
despite the fact that the translations you gave for it were:
requérir (to require/call for [something])and did not mention 'request':
(Nous requérons votre présence à cet événement.
We're requesting your presence at this event.)Can anyone explain what the difference between the passe compose and past perfect forms of devoir are? google translate shows them as being the same thing:
J'ai dû faire quelque chose -> I had to do something
J'avais dû faire quelque chose -> I had to do something
Similarly what is the difference between the future and conditional forms:
j'aurai dû faire quelque chose -> I should have done something
j'aurais dû faire quelque chose -> I should have done something
Is this an error? Or is "se maria" an actual phrase. I thought it should be "se marie".
I'm also wondering why it is not "s'est mariée". That's the phrase I would have used.
For this Kwiziq question I put: Katie appelle Sonia au cas où elle aurait du retard
It was marked wrong, but I think that should also be accepted? avoir du retard = to be late
p.s. is it less common to use avoir du retard than être en retard?
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