French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,295 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,295 learners
Why is "rapports" plural in the first sentence?
Also, in the second sentence, why is there no article before "amis" ("On était amis"), but in another sentence, there is an article ("qu'on soit plus que des amis")?
I used the subjunctive for the following:
La vue .... était la plus belle que j'aie jamais vue...... (subjective attitude?)
1. My dictionary suggested "roman d'amour" for romance novel, but the accepted answers only included "roman à l'eau de rose," "roman sentimental," etc. Is there a difference?
2. I used "réussite" instead of "succès" just because it seemed to be repeated too often, but it seems like it wasn't an accepted answers some of the time; is there a difference between the two?
The detail says to use Mon, ma or mes but the first to examples use son, sa, ses. Why is that?
Why isn't is "étaient"? the subject seems to be plural--"nos parents".
Hello. Can you please explain why is le passé composé used in the first sentence?
"Mon frère et moi avons toujours aimé les jeux vidéos."
I thought this should be in l'imparfait because it describes a habit in the past and not something that just happened for a day, no?
Bonjour, je pense qu'il y a une faute dans le texte en dessus. "Je ne me lasse pas..." Il y a la lettre "i" qui manque dans le verbe, n'est-ce pas?
The lesson uses :"Ce lit fait 2 mètres de longueur."
But the answer: "Ma piscine fait 6 mètres de longuer" is marked wrong.
Why is that?
Est-ce que on peut aussi mettre ce adjectif «délicieux» devant «gratin (n.)» parce que «délicieux» est un adjectif utilisé fréquemment dans la vie quotidienne?
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