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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,327 answers • 877,293 learners
Utter nonsense. Both those statements (ie, "speak Spanish fuently: or "speak fluent Spanish" are 100% interchangeable. If anyone tells you different, they're not native English speakers (or they're very poorly educated).
I'm getting the impression that the people who are setting these tests are not fluent English speakers.
I don't find it helpful to learn how to conjugate in the passé simple (no plans to become a novelist). I keep getting passé simple questions in my quizzes, which is frustrating because the other C1 grammar is very useful and I want to master those things. Is there any setting that lets us include/exclude certain material from the quizzes?
Another one of those nuances that I cannot really see any pattern to is when to use the words "soir" or "nuit". "Soir" seems to be used more frequently with the phrase "every night" ("tous les soirs", "chaque soir") but not exclusively. Every now & then I see "tous les nuits" or "chaque nuit" for the same phrase.
Should "nuit" be used only when there is a specific time frame, like when somebody works a night shift or the specific time is given that makes it obvious that the action is taking place "at night", & "soir" be used in a more generic sense?
I have a tiny off-topic question relating the articles of the nouns before qui/que.
Must the articles always be "les" instead of "des" because the noun is defined by qui/que later on already. Is this the right way to understand it?
The examples in this lesson always use un/une and verb of preference like "adorer" (which we all know must go with definite articles).
So I'm just asking what if I want to say: "They are the girls who I saw yesterday". Should it be:
a) Elles sont les filles que j'ai vues hier
b) Elles sont des filles que j'ai vues hier
There should be a way to speed up or slow down the audio
I wonder how I should say: "I only told him about it" ?
Is it: "Je ne lui ai parlé que de ca" (this is translated by deepL but it seems wrong to me)
Or should I just say: "I told no one but him" -> "Je n'ai personne parlé que lui"
I have a question relating the position of the words.
1. There's an example with ne ... jamais rien = never ... anything : "Il n'a jamais rien fait" --> is this correct or should it be "Il n'a jamais fait rien" ?
2. Now with ne ... rien du tout = anything at all, I found this expression on deepL and I don't know if it's correct or how to position the words. For example, I want to say: "She didn't say anything at all". Should it be:
a) Elle n'a rien dit du tout
b) Elle n'a rien du tout dit
More examples would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.
I see there's an example: "Quels bonbons tu as choisis?"
I guess that because "bonbons" is a COD in this question and it stands before the verb "choisi" so the verb has to accord with the COD --> it becomes "chosis"
But when I use deepL to try another example: "Which dress did she wear?"
The answer is: "Quelle robe a-t-elle porté?"
My question is shouldn't it be: "Quelle robe a-t-elle portée?"
Or is there an exception I didn't know about? More examples relating to this is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
I understand both are used to indicate my, however, I’m not sure when to use one over the other
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