French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,011 questions • 30,315 answers • 876,470 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,011 questions • 30,315 answers • 876,470 learners
There is something odd about this question and about the claimed correct answer. You pose the question using the 'old' form of the verb (s'asseoir) but accept as correct ONLY a response in the 'modern' form (s'assoir). Now I don't have a problem with mixing and matching the 'old' and 'new' forms of the verb, but I think we should be consistent. A question based on the 'old' form of the verb should surely accept as correct a response using the same 'old' form of the verb.
Bonjour !
A fun exercise and review of "les boissons".
Just a note that I had to listen to the phrase, "une bonne tisane" several times because it also sounded to me as if the speaker is saying, "le" instead of "une". Because, I know that "tisane" is feminine I was finally able to hear the "une". But, it wasn't clear, especially for an exercise at this listening level. I think that part of the problem is that he is pronouncing the "e" as a schwa sound - an extra syllable like they do in the South of France.
Merci !
I would guess that 'j'espere que' take the subjunctive, even when the clause refers to the future. But the clause is actually in the future! So does this mean that the future trumps a subjunctive? (I understand that there is no future-subjenctive)
I was wondering for the mini quiz I took the question was Tom a achete une _______ maison I had put neuf but it was wrong. Wouldn't nouvelle and or neuf be used here since it doesn't specify?
I love the twist at the end, I thought she was the student ha ha ha ;)
I had a more difficult time than usual understanding some of the French in this particular exercise. There were certain phrases or words that seemed to have a different rhythm or pronunciation to them. Conversations between two French people are one of the most difficult things for me to understand so that may explain my problems! However, I was curious to know if the men spoke with a regional French accent? Thanks
I was wondering how one can say my goal using the posessive adjectives?
Seems like the pieces of chocolate you have in your pocket are countable and the chocolate you want to eat now is uncountable. I think I understand the grammar, but still...
I forgot to check the send e-mail box with my question below & had to redo this exercise to get to the Q&A in order to do so to request a response. I certainly hope part of the upgrade will be the ability to check the Q&A, at least after completing the exercise, without having to repeat the exercise every time.
I've noticed that 71 above has no hyphens: soixante et onze. So is it just the numbers 21,31,41,51,61 that do have hyphens? Or does 71 have hyphens just when there are higher numbers, e.g. 171?
Merci d'avance!
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