French language Q&A Forum
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Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,989 questions • 30,271 answers • 873,338 learners
In a C1 test the correct answer was shown as:
Je prends mon petit-déjeuner après que tu t'es levé, with the hint being:
I have my breakfast after you get up.
Why isn't the correct answer:
Je prends mon petit-déjeuner après que tu te leves.
What am I missing?
why does 'and I took the opportunity to visit the Gustave Moreau museum' answer
Kwizbot et j'en ai profité pour visiter le musée Gustave Moreau.
You et j'ai pris l'opportunité pour visiter le musée Gustave Moreau??I don't understand!!! Help!!
Why is the letter "l" of the verb s'appeler doubled in all persons but the first and second plural?
'Elles rentrent après le bus les a déposées' is this wrong because le bus is the subject of the subordinate clause? Bearing in mind this: which suggests native speakers do whatever they can to avoid apres que?
I have an older Collins dictionary which uses the French word, poste, for shift in this context. There are several other suggestions but the word, garde, is not even mentioned. Should I get a new dictionary?
I'm wondering if in the lesson on d'ici.... the English translation might be "between now and such and such a date or time" and that d'ici be explicitly contrasted with "dans", which of course refers to a specific time when such and such will be done rather than a span of time within which it will be done. Just a thought. It was not until I came up with this idea that I began to understand "d'ici..."
In this question
shouldn't be replaced by ? I thought was a used to introduce an itinerary, as in
In the lesson you state:
Ni l'un(e) ni l'autre ne... means neither one nor the other or neither (of them).English is my native language and I would never say "neither one nor the other". I would say "Neither the one nor the other" or better, as offered "Neither." "Neither one nor the other" just doesn't sound right. "Neither one" seems sufficient (and a third alternative) making the addition of "nor the other" seem superfluous and inappropriate. I wonder if this isn't a dialectical difference within North America.
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