French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,986 questions • 30,265 answers • 872,915 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,986 questions • 30,265 answers • 872,915 learners
may anyone answer my question please:when do we use imparfait and is there any sameness between the two tense
many tks
I notice in the phrase 'était apparue gracieusement sur cet étrange engin' the adverb is placed after the participle, not the conjugated verb. Am I right in thinking adverbs normally go directly after the conjugated verb ?
The dictée is missing "mélange dans un moule".
The English was "... choose a career". "Choisir une carrière" was not accepted. Would the French always substitue a possessive pronoun for an indefinite article in such an instance ?
1 or 2 is correct ?
1. dès que je l'ai réglé / 2. dès que je l'aie réglé
3 or 4 or 5 is correct ?
3. parler au traiteur / 4. parler à traiteur / 5. parler avec traiteur
How do I distinguish between "l'a défini" and "la définit" from speech? Are there any clues to point at the tense used?
Is this 19th century England? Just say "women."
Good trick. Ya got me. Quelqu'un clearly refers to Elle, yet it remains masculine. Really? In real life? They're standing looking at a little girl.
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