Grammar Queries (based on concepts)Bonjour Madame Cécile !
I am facing a few problems and am unable to understand the reasons behind them.
1. "He realizes you're cheating." -> Il réalise que vous êtes en train de tricher.
In this sentence, why one doesn’t use Le Subjonctif as the expression is followed by “que”?
2. I knocked at the door, but you were sleeping."
The correct answer was-> J'ai frappé à la porte, mais tu étais en train de dormir.
Though, I mentioned “ J'ai frappé à la porte, mais tu dormais. (L’Imparfait)
As I was sleeping in progression when someone knocked.
3. Ils ________ écouter.(They should listen.)
Why the accurate answer is -> devraient (Le Conditionnel Présent) and not ‘doivent’ ?
Merci Madame de m’aider encore.
Je vous souhaite une bonne journée !
Is it just me or was the speaker going a bit fast for A2 level?
Bonjour Madame Cécile !
I am facing a few problems and am unable to understand the reasons behind them.
1. "He realizes you're cheating." -> Il réalise que vous êtes en train de tricher.
In this sentence, why one doesn’t use Le Subjonctif as the expression is followed by “que”?
2. I knocked at the door, but you were sleeping."
The correct answer was-> J'ai frappé à la porte, mais tu étais en train de dormir.
Though, I mentioned “ J'ai frappé à la porte, mais tu dormais. (L’Imparfait)
As I was sleeping in progression when someone knocked.
3. Ils ________ écouter.(They should listen.)
Why the accurate answer is -> devraient (Le Conditionnel Présent) and not ‘doivent’ ?
Merci Madame de m’aider encore.
Je vous souhaite une bonne journée !
Est-ce que c'est "une console" utilisée pour des jeux vidéos?
Also, do the following sentences have the same meaning? Which sentence is incorrect? Why?
On fait du sport régulièrement, ce qui est important.
C'est important qu'on fasse du sport régulièrement.
C'est important ce qu'on fasse du sport régulièrement.
Thank you
In the vocabulaire d'Halloween,, Trick or treat is given as "Farce ou friandise" but in the dictée the term is "Farce ou friandises". Why is treat pluralised but trick is not?
I encounter "hanoukia," the french word for menorah, most often spelled w/ two k's, ala "hanoukkia." Even here, there's an A1 quiz question "Nous allumons les bougies de la hanoukkia ________."
Bonjour. In the above examples, I see personne n'est heureux. The lesson does not talk about plurality I do not think.
In the quiz, now I can't remember, but I may or may not have used a singular masculine word. Do you have any extra information as plurality in this lesson? Merci.
Why not “je m’endors”?
Is que (qu') + inversion only used with subject pronouns? I noticed this with the examples given. If the answer is 'yes', it may be helpful to draw attention to this fact in the lesson
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