French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,174 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,002 questions • 30,293 answers • 875,174 learners
Why s' ouvre? The verb "ouvre" is not a reflexive verb.
Thank you in advance for taking time to answer.
My question has to do with the use of the hyphen. Am I correct in assuming that when the pronoun comes after the verb a hyphen must be added?
It seems to me that "la confiture de framboise" would be spelled "la confiture de framboises," as jam would be made w/ de nombreuses framboises, not juste l'une framboise. I googled "la confiture de framboise" and both spellings were prevalent, which doesn't help on locking down on accuracy. So which is it?
For vecu, why isn't there a cedille under the "c"? Recu uses a cedille and I thought that CU combinatioin made it a hard c. I don't expect an answer, but at least I tried.
It was just to say that i’ve never seen cotton buds marketed as “les cotons-tiges” in South West France, where I live, but as “les bâtonnets ouatés”
Une maison à vendre.
des travaux à faire,
Salut tout le monde,
Toutes ces questions concernant les nationalités sont ambiguës. Une femme peut dire toue les deux:
Je suis française ou Je suis Française. Ça dépend du contexte. Française est un nom et sa nationalité. « française » est un adjectif et elle décrit qu’elle est de la
Why was this sentence "In Gallardon,public transport was very limited" translated in French as if the noun in question was plural?
In the explannation above, it says:
"To express lacking [something], you will use manquer de or d' + [thing].
You do not need to use the partitive articles (du, de l', de la, des) here, just as you wouldn't say I lack thesugar but simply I lack sugar:"
It's a bit confusing because then all the examples use "de". You really have to your know your grammatical terms! I wonder if it would be clearer to say:
"You do not need to use the definite articles (le, l', la, les) here".
Just a thought.
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