French words ending in -al have a different ending in the plural form.
Learn how to form the plural of French nouns ending in -al
Look at these examples:
Note that most nouns ending in -al become -aux in the plural.
But as usual in French, there are some exceptions !
Here is a list of the most common ones:
des bals([dancing] balls),
des carnavals,
des festivals,
des récitals,
des régals (feasts/delights),
des chacals (jackals)
des carnavals,
des festivals,
des récitals,
des régals (feasts/delights),
des chacals (jackals)
And here's a link to a more exhaustive list of exceptions.
See also Forming the plural of adjectives ending in -al in French
and Forming the plural of French adjectives ending in -al (exceptions)
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