French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,999 questions • 30,291 answers • 874,614 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,999 questions • 30,291 answers • 874,614 learners
Il doit être le coup d'œil, non?
I understand that aucun is more emphatic than pas de, but does "Je n'avait pas d'idée ..." not work for this sentence as well? Thank you.
All of the examples with du chocolat or du cafe translate as some chocolate or some coffee, but in my kwiz it has it listed as nearly correct. I don't really care about the points, but it's confusing for the quiz to not line up with the lesson.
Hi I am a bit confused. I was reading about adverbs and I saw this sentence
Je t'aimerai pour toujours --> I will love you forever
I though the infinitive Te/t' would only follow sentences with Tu at the start. Is there a rule around since it's about someone else the 'Je' bit at the start isn't the subject?
Is there a topic on this specifically for me to understand?
De temps en temps, je vois une construction selon l'exemple :
"Et Christophe (ou Pierre, Marie, etc.) de dire (ou autre verbe)..."
Pourriez-vous me confirmer 1) si cette construction est courante, et 2) si elle reflete un francais litteraire, ou bien a la rigueur si elle fait partie du francais couramment parle?
Un grand merci,
Can the verb 'faufiler' be used in this context?
Tout d'abord merci pour ce chanson, quelle poésie merveilleuse. En ce qui concerne le verse " Qui n'ait jamais viré de bord, mais viré de bord" il me semble qu'il y deaux significations différents ici. La premiere est que le bons copain restent encore inébranalble mais par contre la deuxième partie du verse signifie qu'ils prennent un chemin ou un cours different.
Why wouldn't this be "une variété...a fait"? It's "variety" that is the subject of the sentence, and not the prepositional clause "of programs," is it not?
If the verb is se passer, should it not be "Comment tes vacances se sont-ils passées"
If the verb is simply passer, should it not be "Comment sont passées tes vacances"
Two phrases:
Je pense au match de football de la semaine prochaine.
Je pense à mon mariage le mois prochain.
Question: why preposition "de" is in front of "la semaine", but it is not in front of "le mois"?
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