French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,987 questions • 30,269 answers • 873,018 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,987 questions • 30,269 answers • 873,018 learners
Hi, should hacher be spelt as hâcher? I did this exercise - - and got it wrong.
Why does the hint say "Note that with avoir as an auxiliary, past participles never agree with the subject of the verb?
I recently went over the lesson on cases in which the participles do agree, so maybe it should say "almost never"?
Special cases when the past participle agrees (in number & gender) when used with 'avoir' in the compound past in French (Le Passé Composé)
Is "râper" really pronounced to rhyme with "cher"? Because that's the pronunciation given when you click on the speaker button in the "Cooking / Faire la cuisine (v)" vocabulary list at
Which is correct - un lave-vaisselle or une machine à laver la vaisselle?
Nous t'en ferons une
Nous te la ferons.
Which one is right?
Can anyone please clarify? Thanks in advance.
I am looking at the sentence 'Daffy et moi ne pouvons plus nous battre en paix sans être interrompu par mon humain' and wondering why 'interrompu' does not agree with 'Daffy et moi'...
The lesson implies that "vieux" and "ancien" follow the same usage rules as "neuf" and "nouveau", i.e. objective and subjective, respectively. But according to the lesson on Movable Adjectives, in the case of "ancien" at least, it is the placement of the adjective before or after the noun that determines whether it is translated subjectively or objectively.
Which lesson is correct?
I probably missed something, but isn't this example in the Conditional and not the Pluperfect?
Si nous l'avions choisi, nous l'aurions regretté.
If we'd chosen him, we would have regretted it.
It would be great if I could understand why I'm wrong ;-)
In the exercise, I completed the sentence "How come you speak French? with "Comment ça se fait que tu parles français?" The answer was marked incorrect - your corrected answer being "Comment se fait que tu parles français?" I didn't see "Comment se fait que" as a choice in the notebook explanation of How come? - although "Comment se fait-il que" was also an option when How come? is followed by a conjugated verb. Please explain. Merci!
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