French language Q&A Forum
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14,018 questions • 30,334 answers • 877,652 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,018 questions • 30,334 answers • 877,652 learners
Why is the subjonctif présent of "partir" used in the above sentence when the sentence refers to the past tense? It was written in English as "Before they went to live over there". Why is it not "Avant qu'ils ne soient partis s'installer là-bas" ? Can someone please enlighten me? Thank you.
I entered the text "nous avons croisé un écureuil" but your correction was "une écureuil" but your completed text shows "un" which is correct.
In the example At that time, she lived with Julien.
A cette epoch means to me a specific action completed in the past, so I used the passe' compose. It was marked wrong in place of using the imparfait, which is supposed to be continuing action. So I am confused or is it a matter of interpretation?
In the examples above the es in "tu es" is pronounced like the ê in êtes and also like the e in et. Is there a rule for which pronunciation to use when? Or is it more of a regional difference?
De plus, c’est petit et aussi c'est à pouvoir être utilisé en cas d’urgence.
De plus, c’est petit et aussi c'est peut être utilisé en cas d’urgence.
De plus, c’est petit et aussi c'est pouvoir être utilisé en cas d’urgence.
It is listed as adverb and I am confused.
can we say: "Baptiste est mon le plus mauvais ennemi." ?
Does this rule is valid when the object pronouns are me,te,nous,vous
il nous ai parlé or il nous ai parlés
Whic one is true?
I wish your helps thank you so much
Here we use Passé composé because the use of the negation ne ... pas insists on the fact that the action stopped happening at the specific time mentioned (since/for) in the past.
If we used Présent indicatif here, it would make it sound like the action "keeps on stopping" during the given length of time.
To say that a (recurring) action in the past has now stopped happening with depuis, you can also use Présent indicatif with ne ... plus (not any more) instead of ne ... pas:
Tu ne bois plus d'alcool depuis cinq ans.You haven't drunk alcohol for five years.What is the difference between these two?
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