French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,019 questions • 30,333 answers • 877,587 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,019 questions • 30,333 answers • 877,587 learners
Why is 'le' in this sentence?
Also in "J'en vaux vraiment la peine !" in the lesson, why "J'en vaux..." instead of "Je vaux ..."?
In the video we have J'ai recu les lettres. Why then do we say Je les ai recues. ? Recevoir is is a verbe d'etat?
I was wondering about this: There is a song "je le vous dirai" - it seems to go against the rules about the order as outlined above. Is there a reason for this? Does it mean something different? Would this just be chalked up to creative freedom to make something sound better because it's a song?
I understand the phrase, but could you clarify: Can you split the phrase in two within a sentence? Example: Je vais generalement a la gym a pied? Thanks. Valerie
Isn’t the character who marries Cosette called, ‘Marius’ and not, ‘Marcus’? :-)
Why does the quiz mark my answer wrong when i choose: j'ai donné mon ordinateur ancien à la says correct option is '...mon ancien ordinateur...' but wouldn't that mean 'the last/previous computer that i owned' as per the rule described ?
Is this an exception as in French there are so many exceptions to a rule :( ?
Or is it a mistake in the quiz ? Please clarify . Thanks
What is the difference in meaning between these two sentences exactly?
Pour voyager le monde ensemble?
Pour voyager à travers le monde ensemble?
Thank you
Lise connaissait un super restaurant local.
Je porte des vêtements superbes. (this sentence is from another writing exercise, Louis XIV)
When do I use 'super' and when do I use 'superbe'?
The person I’m thinking about or the person of whom or about whom I’m thinking. Why is de laquelle wrong since the lesson indicates it means of whom or about whom? Thanks.
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