French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,019 questions • 30,333 answers • 877,591 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,019 questions • 30,333 answers • 877,591 learners
On a quiz, it says the answer is “le lendemain DU mariage” not DE mariage. Why? All the samples say DE.
I'd love to add this page to my notebook but don't see the button for it. Can you please add that feature to this page? Thank you!
Bonjour. Comment corrigez-vous les fautes d’orthographe dans la dictée ? On perd un point avec chaque faute ? On commence avec 65 points ? Si c’est le cas, pourquoi ? C’est le nombre de mots ?
Merci de votre explication.
Could you please explain the difference between Pouvait and Pourrait
how can I pronounce "dont" correctly, I can't differentiate between it and "dans"?
I am trying to understand why one needs to ad the D' in the sentence D'où venez-vous?
why not simply say : Où venez-vous? Why is the de important here?
can we use the verbs which can be inverted with je in the future ?
For example devrai-je?(is this correct?)
But when in my study plan quiz I answered:
‘Write "We're having a walk in Central Park": Nous ________ dans Central Park’ with (Nous) nous baladons (dans Central Park.) it was marked wrong.
I realise it’s informal but I can’t see anything in the question to suggest that informality would be in appropriate. What’s the problem? I checked the conjugation with Lawless French.
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