French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,329 answers • 877,512 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
14,020 questions • 30,329 answers • 877,512 learners
Isn't it supposed to be "une bouteille de champagne fraîche?" We're talking about a fresh bottle, yes?
Does Lawless French plan on incorporating audio questions to their Kwizis? (For example: "type what you hear".) I really enjoy doing the listening practices and know they're beneficial, however, since you cannot earn points doing them, it can be hard sometimes to find enough motivation to do them over the arguably easier kwizis.
Also, if this addition was to be made, it could be optional. (e.g. "Would you like to include audio questions in this kwizi?" or something like that.)
Just an idea :)
I took a C1 quiz out of curiousity just to see what kind of questions it was. Now my quizbot has started recommending C1 lessons for me. Is there any way in which I can make it start recommending things on my level again? C1 is way too hard for me. I used to know french on a B1 level, but my current level is A1 (though I'll probably reach A2 within a week or two when I've refreshed my old knowledge).
Can you please let me know the difference between TOUS and TOUT
The lesson gives the following two examples which both seem to refer to specific objects but use different constructions. What is the difference?
C'est une jolie robe.
Tu aimes mon pull ? -Oui, il est très beau
Could someone please enlighten me as why 'son' is used in this sentence. If the sentence was, 'We suffer from THEIR lack of attention', then, son is replaced by leur. What is the grammatical basis for this structure?
why use "'on a dégusté " when you can use the imperfect or irregular version "on dégustait" without the a? because i find that way more confusing..
I am a little confused. The lesson says that in the negative, de l' becomes d' (in front of a vowel or silent h). However, the example given: C'est de l'huile d'olive ? -Non, ce n'est pas de l'huile d'olive.
Shouldn't it then be: Ce n'est pas d'huile d'olive.
In a related doubt, are these sentences correct:
Tu as de l'argent? Non, Je n'ai plus de l'argent. (Do you have some money? No, I do not have any money.)
or should it be: Non, je n'ai plus d'argent.
Je suis une très mauvaise élève parce qu’en classe je n’écoute jamais ma prof donc je ne pose plus des questions parce que je ne sais pas que nous faison en classe. Souvent Je prétends lire ma livre donc je n’ai pas á travailler et je peux me relaxer. Mais quand nous avons des examens j’ai faire un peu effort réussir à mes examens mais je déteste etudier donc je n’ai pas de bonnes notes et même ensuite je suis paressuex et je copie mes amis. À mon opinion il n'y a pas de bonne raison de réviser ou travailler dur c’est inutile, plus l’apprends est difficle.
J'aime aussi ne pas écouter les règles de l'école et ma prof parce que c’est drôle. Je toujours mes jambes sur la table et ignorer tout le monde parce que je peux. Je dois déranger la classe donc je parle trés fort et j'essaye aussi de faire rire tout le monde.
What does RTT mean? I had never heard of this term in the dictée and its not the sort of thing that is covered in the explaining lessons
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