French language Q&A Forum
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,947 questions • 30,077 answers • 864,461 learners
Questions answered by our learning community with help from expert French teachers
13,947 questions • 30,077 answers • 864,461 learners
I was wondering if somebody could explain to me please when one should use 'Y' vs using 'En'.
For example, in trying to say "She thinks of it" - could it not be "elle y pense" or "elle en pense"?
Is it just determined by the context? Ie if the sentence before used De use En or if it used A use Y?
Any help greatly appreciated.
In the sentence: Anne et Alain apprendront la cuisine le mois prochain, I’m confused why it’s la cuisine and not à cuisiner since the translation was: will learn how to cook. Can someone explain this? Thanks.
This is not a full sentence. ‘How far does she live?’ How far does she live from what?
When do you use tôt and when en advance
Why would it not be:
Oui, je y veux.
We use venir à?
In this exercise quelques-un notebook is not available please look into the
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